this post is a positive remix, still contains (deserved) sarcasm as an ingredient...
Good to write this as Timbaland video with *lovely* Keri Wilson playing. Just waiting if Rihanna come soon also. SHUT UP AND DRIVE! (or dive?)
this is a major remake of the previous post that i still leave asitis (clip-clip) to remind me, and punish me of my foul mouth that sometimes invades my tiny skull housing my two brain cells
and still... this old one is already a sanitised version of the original angry burst hmmm!! my, my...
temper, temper...
scuba diving is maybe the easiest least intimidating and most enchanting way to get introduced to the weightless world of three dimensions.
one dimension too much for a normal person to get disoriented hehe....
anyways, can float freely, see all kinds of wonderful things that are under the surface of the water. more than what your regular joe sees. seas.
also to experience the free float! free movement in all directions (remember safety rules though,...)
and you know? real astronauts train in water tank in their space suits! weightlesness of underwater is really next to being in space!
anyways... here it comes...
personally i just dont like -myself- to do something (and stop advancing at that point) that i consider lame as OWD, i wana go serious always what i do.
either i do it good or i dont do.
cant stop it there and go to take suntan at beach and brag my friends and beach girls some 5 star funny-card
well good fun and excitement for tourist, also safe in the hands of experienced instructors, even if it is lame in my eye
A major experience for most even that OWD.
gives some living money to instructors too.
well... and sigh * 5 times.
The window of opportunity for me to join our nation's elite military 3D environment families is bygone. Too bad but what can do.
Air force fighter pilot is the #1 and the oxygen rebreathing Navy fighter diver another #1
(sorry for my lack of translation for the soldier diver... but i guess you get it. rite?...). the breathing gear is Dräger and compass is Suunto mil editions
The two most coveted 'wings' are for fighter pilot and navy diver.
Technical diving is the only goal i have.
Until i have a way = money to advance to it, I won't begin, no idea to only play and become stale
Im not talking of real oxygen rebreathers like expensive tactical LARVI1 , but semi-rebreather with mix gas that're cheaper like Dräger dolphin. HEY! no BUBBLES!! enjoy the silence of your recreational time!!
Well interest in normal bubbly mixture gases and deep jobs with long deco times also.
Just give me my Helsingin Sanomat (the major newspaper here) sunday edition crossword puzzle and i can tolerate couple of deiz sitting and excercise in confined space.
Deep dive work
BIG risk, big salary, big investment to get in to the elite.
My physical and mind are ok forit.
Money = training & gear lacks.
Hey you can do-nate me some thousand dolas if wana haha then i can do it
ah... yah...
from the water we arrive to the air element. also oxygen in air yezz...
[under field study]
OF FLYING (yah this is a new addition *grin* )
well what to say, its the noblest art of it all.
do it in a hot air balloon, small plane, commercial big jet, small luxury jet, propeller driven lovely cessna or better yet, a roaring fighter jet!
it's just so great!!!!
Big oh so big thanks to L who show me the PATH and the LIGHT!!!
Thanks forever L!!!!
Still bigger apologize for Y for my scolding first post that i still edited and still edited to be less ugly one. Didnt know touch you also. Only today know.
I removed all link in bad touch.
Sorry dude really...
How lame can be a tourist scuba diver?
A decent course takes one-two weeks for theory until You know what Youre doing and not endagering your, or worse yet your dive partner's life....
Tourist one is just a joyride, one or two days superficial theory, then total amateurs put underwater.
I wonder how they can be allowed to have a diving certificate card after such training that the ones passing the test can call air bottles oxygen bottles not knowing the difference....
Of course most tourist resorts do that easy money business. Why wouldn't they...
And of course the other lame thing to do....
It's ok for grandpa age but not for a sane and physically able normal person :-)
IF youre serious, go to courses, learn the theory, the stuff, then jump solo.
Please don't claim you have done skydiving if what really happened someone strapped to your ass did the jump. It's just an amusement park ride nothing else.
I'd rather put my money on to this joyride: Ohio Top Thrill Dragster
Well... good money for the one who strap you on him/her
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